Thursday, March 7, 2019

ABC ISLANDS - Gold and Silver Storage Vault in the Caribbean - PARTNERS & ASSOCIATIONS

Dear PARTNERS & ASSOCIATIONS in Gold and Silver Storage Facilities Services.

How are all of you today? I wanted to share my point of View with some of you who are interested in Joining with me in this awesome Business venture.

I am not an expert in this area, so i am trying to see if i can get Partners and Associates, who are interested in these project here in the Antilles , and helping me to implement it.

Now the question is why (CURACAO) Caribbean Islands, i believe is the ideal and saved place to use as a GOLD HUB base.

You have VENEZUELA south America close, where they 
have all resources and Gold Mines and many other Minerals
and other Precious METALS. 

Well there many other advantages also, which i will not go into it now, but we can have an open conversation about these subjects

I have done my homework and I know that soon all the Currencies of the World are going to collapse, and the question you have to ask your self then, where is it saver, in the big cities or small islands?

So i have created a blog which i will posting all the questions and concerns for everyone all over the world, who will be emailing or calling for info about this Project.

My Blog Link:

There are many situation on going with the Gold Backed Systems
also, which are gradually being implemented World Wide to face out the Petro Dollar . What will happen when President 
Donald Trump signs back the GOLD Backed Standards.

What will be the consequences for the Petro Dollar and all the other Fiat Currencies be?

So just think about, what will happen with the GOLD Price when it 
spikes to 10.000 Dollars or more.?

So you see, these are the things I know that this would be a good way to protect your Gold and all your Precious metals, because
GOLD PRICE will go up everyday. 

I also have learned my lessons with these situations not to trust any bankers or financial institutions, so that is the reason i need my
own place to store my GOLD and Precious Metals.

So thank you for reading my email, and hope to get
some positive reaction from many of you, and your
point of views what you believe is going to happen,
or can be done to be ready for this DOMINO effect
of the Collapse of the Dollar and other currencies.

Thank you and have a Blessed day.

Ronald Wederfoort

Phone: 5999 5156118

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